Membership Eligibility
Membership may be granted to any individual, partnership, corporation, or organization that:
- Is interested in and agrees to support the purposes and activities of the organization.
- Agrees to abide by these Bylaws and such other canons, rules and regulations as the organization may adopt; and Meets the additional criteria established for each category of membership in the organization as follows:
Membership may be granted to any corporation or partnership which is a Contractor, End user, Engineer, Wholesaler, Manufacturer, or Manufacturer’s Representative in the ammonia refrigeration industry.
- Membership fee proposed Rs.1,50,000/-
- Number of nominated Members allowed 3 to be informed by company every year.
- Tenure of Membership 5 years.
- Corporate member will be allowed to use organization logo on on their publication, website etc. declaring as ”Member AARI”.
- Only one vote allowed per corporate membership to the person nominated by Corporate Member Organization / Company, CEO / CMD
- All Corporate member logo will be promptly displayed on Proposed Organization website and communication to members.
- However, for Sponsor programs / events the Sponsor will be promoted for the program / activity.
Membership may be granted to any other person or organization interested in the ammonia refrigeration industry.
- Membership may be granted to any other person or organization interested in the ammonia refrigeration industry.
- Membership fee proposed Rs. 5000/-.
- Tenure of membership 3 Years.
- Membership can be renewed after 3 years as per the membership fee prevailing at the time of renewal.
- Individual member is not allowed to use logo of the organization on any of his company / organization website / print media / publications.
- However, Individual member is allowed to print “INDIVIDUAL MEMBER AARI” on their business card only.
- Each individual member will have one vote.